by microbiologics | Apr 26, 2018 | Water
The water testing laboratory is the last line of defense against water-borne infections. Accurate results are critical to consumer safety. A robust Quality Assurance/Quality Control program will give the laboratory confidence in its results. Laboratories need reliable...
by microbiologics | Apr 19, 2018 | Clinical, Food, Molecular, Pharmaceutical, Water
You love being a microbiologist. Your passion for understanding microorganisms and the impact they have on every aspect of life fuels your long days in the lab. We know all too well that a busy lab and finicky microorganisms can leave even the most seasoned...
by Microbiologics | Mar 8, 2018 | Clinical, Food, Pharmaceutical, Water
The pour plate method is an economical way for pharmaceutical, contract and even food laboratories to perform tests focused on a specific number of bacteria. The process may seem simple (melt, pipette, pour, swirl, incubate), but errors have been known to occur....
by Kali Sorum | Feb 15, 2018 | Clinical, Food, Molecular, Pharmaceutical, Quizzes, Water
Recalling and pronouncing peculiar microorganism names is a skill every microbiologist has mastered. However, the intricate rules for writing about microorganisms may leave even experienced microbiologists second-guessing how to annotate or spell a strain name. Our...
by Laurie Kundrat | Jan 25, 2018 | Clinical, Food, Pharmaceutical, Water
Are you certain the reference stock cultures you use for quality control are identical to the reference cultures you originally purchased? A study performed by Cross, Russel and Desai examined working cultures from eight accredited microbial testing...
by Karla Fjeld | Nov 9, 2017 | Clinical, Food, Pharmaceutical, Water
Photo: 1918 flu ward at Camp Funston, Kansas (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Microorganisms triggered many events that drastically altered human history. The most notorious microbes caused mass death and destruction, but they also inspired modern medical advances often...