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Read articles about food microbiology from Microbiologics’ experts and other field experts. 

11 Pour Plate Method Best Practices

11 Pour Plate Method Best Practices

The pour plate method is an economical way for pharmaceutical, contract and even food laboratories to perform tests focused on a specific number of bacteria. The process may seem simple (melt, pipette, pour, swirl, incubate), but errors have been known to occur....

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On the Plate: Salmonella

On the Plate: Salmonella

After Escherichia coli, Salmonella might be one of the world’s most recognized bacterial species. Outbreaks of Salmonella have occurred in several food products including the well-known peanut butter outbreak in 2009 in which 714 people in 46 states became ill and 9...

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Our Top Posts from 2017

Our Top Posts from 2017

To say our writers were busy in 2017 is an understatement. We shared best practices for growth promotion testing on selective media, asked for your opinion on B. cepacia testing, and reminded you why microbiologists are the coolest people in the lab. Stanley...

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8 Microorganisms that Changed the World

8 Microorganisms that Changed the World

Photo: 1918 flu ward at Camp Funston, Kansas (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Microorganisms triggered many events that drastically altered human history. The most notorious microbes caused mass death and destruction, but they also inspired modern medical advances often...

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