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Read articles about food microbiology from Microbiologics’ experts and other field experts. 

The Basics of Cannabis QC

The Basics of Cannabis QC

Every year cannabis for medical and recreational use becomes legal in more places throughout the United States. As of 2017, 29 states and the District of Columbia (DC) have passed laws to legalize growth and distribution of the plant. Cannabis is not federally...

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Raw Sushi – Does It Deserve the Bad Wrap?

Raw Sushi – Does It Deserve the Bad Wrap?

If you were to ask random strangers on the street if they liked sushi, I can almost guarantee you’d hear one of two responses. Either: “I love it!” or “That’s disgusting, no way!”.  In all my years of trying to persuade others to give it a try, I have yet to encounter...

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Food Safety First on the Fourth of July

Food Safety First on the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is time for fun, family, sunshine, bug spray, parades, fireworks and foodborne illnesses. The warm weather, in combination with picnics and barbeques, offers bacteria the perfect environment to do its thing and multiply. There is no need for...

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Microbes That Help and Harm Your Garden

Microbes That Help and Harm Your Garden

Plants and microbes have a love-hate relationship (I have a similar feeling when a long Minnesota winter causes me to delay planting my garden). There are many types of microorganisms that emerge in the spring and summer when we begin to plant our gardens. Some...

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Your Spring Cleaning Hit List

Your Spring Cleaning Hit List

Is spring cleaning on your agenda this April? You might be asking, “Who has time for that?” or “Is that even a thing anymore?” Even if you do not perform the traditional spring cleaning ritual, you may want to consider paying closer attention to the following places...

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The Basics of Bacteria and Beer QC

The Basics of Bacteria and Beer QC

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to share some beers with the founder of an up-and-coming brewery based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The past few years have been a time of tremendous growth in the craft brewing industry. There are nearly 120 craft breweries in...

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