Read articles about water microbiology from Microbiologics’ experts and other field experts.
Take a Break with Our Sci-Fi Movie Trivia
It probably comes as no surprise that we think sci-fi is the best movie genre, especially when rogue viruses or genetic mutation are involved. We created our latest quiz with our fellow sci-fi connoisseurs in mind. Give it a go if you’re up to the challenge and be...
9 Tips for Students Pursuing a Career in Microbiology
As a microbiology student, you have a passion for understanding the microscopic organisms that live on, in, and all around us. Even though you love your field of study, leaving school and starting your career can be intimidating. So, what can you do to be successful?...
How Certified Reference Materials Help Labs Meet Regulatory Requirements
As regulatory standards continue to increase, additional responsibility is being placed on laboratories to ensure the quality and safety of finished products. Now more than ever, traceability is a major concern. Laboratories are required to provide evidence that the...
Dear Stanley: Tips for Maintaining Fastidious Microorganisms
Dear Stanley, I’m having a tough time keeping my stock culture of Campylobacter viable. Do you have any tips for maintaining a stock culture of fastidious microorganisms like Campylobacter? Sincerely, Jordan from Mankato, MN Dear Jordan, Maintaining fastidious...
8 Best Practices for Growth Promotion Testing
The growth promotion test (GPT) can be a hassle, but it’s necessary for determining if a new batch of media is acceptable. Follow our best practices below to make your testing process as smooth as possible when using Microbiologics products to perform GPT. 1. Test in...
Dear Stanley: What is Mean Assay Value?
Dear Stanley, I use EZ-Accu Shot™ for growth promotion testing (GPT), and sometimes I don’t get counts within 50-200% of the count printed on the label. Is there something wrong with my media or the control? Sincerely, Beverly Fresno, CA Dear Beverly, Great question!...
How to Maintain Monthly Working Stock Cultures with Microbiologics QC Strains
Proper maintenance of quality control strains is essential for ensuring acceptable performance. Most strains produced by Microbiologics can be used for up to a month after reconstitution when correctly maintained. Follow these best practices and our maintenance plan...
Dear Stanley: Differences Between Atmospheres for Microorganism Growth
Dear Stanley, I want to make sure I’m using the right atmosphere to get good growth of my microorganisms. Can you explain the differences between aerobic, anaerobic, microaerophilic, and capnophilic atmospheres for microorganism growth? Beth from Salt Lake City, UT...
The Basics of Water Testing Quality Control
The water testing laboratory is the last line of defense against water-borne infections. Accurate results are critical to consumer safety. A robust Quality Assurance/Quality Control program will give the laboratory confidence in its results. Laboratories need reliable...
Relax During #LabWeek with These 9 Stress Relievers
You love being a microbiologist. Your passion for understanding microorganisms and the impact they have on every aspect of life fuels your long days in the lab. We know all too well that a busy lab and finicky microorganisms can leave even the most seasoned...